
AN ORDINANCE to amend and consolidate the law relating to the Ceylon Medical College, the Ceylon Medical Council, Medical Practitioners, Dentists, Midwives, Pharmacists, and Nurses.
[Date of Commencement: 5th October, 1928]

SI 26 of 1927,
SI 5 of 1930,
SI 2 of 1933,
SI 9 of 1933,
SI 35 of 1938,
SI 55 of 1938,
SI 35 of 1939,
SI 45 of 1941,
SI 20 of 1942,
SI 25 of 1946,
10 of 1949,
14 of 1949,
27 of 1949,
36 of 1949,
46 of 1949,
12 of 1952,
23 of 1954,
23 of 1955,
31 of 1961,
37 of 1961,
16 of 1965,
10 of 1979,
23 of 1985,
30 of 1987,
25 of 1988,
13 of 1993,
15 of 1996,
31 of 1997,
33 of 1997,
40 of 1998,
6 of 2014.


1. Short title.
This Ordinance may be cited as the Medical Ordinance1.

2. Jury Service.
All persons registered under this Ordinance and in actual practice shall be exempt from serving on any jury.


3. College Council to manage the Medical Council.
The Ceylon Medical College (in this Ordinance called “the College”), its property, and affairs shall be managed by the Council of the                Ceylon Medical College (in this Ordinance called “the College Council”) in accordance with the regulations for the time being in force            under this Ordinance. In this section, “property” shall not include any property transferred to the ownership or control of the University      of Ceylon by or under the Ceylon University Ordinance; and “affairs” shall not include any affairs of the University of Ceylon.

4. Cost of maintenance.
The College shall be maintained out of funds provided for the purpose by Parliament.

5. Constitution of College Council.
(1) The College Council is a body corporate by the name and style of “The Council of the Ceylon Medical College”, having perpetual                      succession, a common seal, and power to acquire and hold land and other property, and consists of—
(a) the person for the time being discharging the duties of the1 Director-General of Health Services;
(aa) the person for the time being discharging the duties of the Director-General, Teaching Hospitals;
[S 5(1)(aa) ins by s 2 of Act 30 of 1987.]
(b) the person for the time being discharging the duties of Deputy Director of Health (Medical Services);
(c) the person for the time being discharging the duties of Professor of Medicine of a university established or deem to be established                   by the Universities Act, No. 16 of 1978, or such other person as may be nominated by the Minister in place of such Professor under                 subsection (2);
[S 5(1)(c) am by s 2 of Act 30 of 1987.]
(d) the person for the time being discharging the duties of Professor of Surgery of a university established or deemed to be                                      established by the Universities Act, No. 16 of 1978, or such other person as may be nominated by the Minister in place of such                          Professor under subsection (2);
(e) the person for the time being discharging the duties of Professor of Anatomy of a university established or deemed to be established by the Universities Act, No. 16 of 1978, or such other person as may be nominated by the Minister in place of such Professor under
subsection (2);
(f) the person for the time being discharging the duties of Professor of Physiology of a university established or deemed to be established by the Universities Act, No. 16 of 1978, or such other person as may be nominated by the Minister in place of such Professor under subsection (2);
(g) the person for the time being discharging the duties of Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology of a university established or deemed to be established by the Universities Act, No. 16 of 1978, or such other person as may be nominated by the Minister in place of such Professor under subsection (2);
(h) a person nominated by the Minister out of those engaged in teaching at any Government Nurses Training School;
(i) a person nominated by the Minister out of those possessing the degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy or the qualification of Member of the Pharmaceutical Society or other equivalent qualification;
(j) a medical practitioner, nominated as aforesaid, who is neither a lecturer in a university established or deemed to be established by the Universities Act, No. 16 of 1978, or the Ceylon Medical College, nor an officer in the service of the Government, nor in receipt of a pension from the Government.
(2) The Minister may at any time nominate any person to be a member of the College Council in place of any Professor referred to in paragraphs (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g) respectively of subsection (1).
(3) A nominated member of the College Council holds office for three years unless he previously resigns or his appointment is revoked by the Minister, and shall be eligible for renomination.
(4) If any member of the College Council leaves Sri Lanka without the intention of returning thereto, or is absent from Sri Lanka for more than six consecutive months, he shall thereupon cease to be a member.
[S 5(4) am by s 2 of Act 30 of 1987.]
(5) The Minister may appoint and revoke the appointment of any person to be a temporary nominated member in the place of any nominated member being temporarily absent, or ill, or unable, or unwilling to act.

6. Procedure of College Council Meetings.
At every meeting of the College Council, the Director of Health Services, or in his absence the Director-General of Teaching Hospitals or in the absence of both, the Deputy Director of Health (Medical Services) (Sic.).
[S 6 subs by s 3 of Act 30 of 1987.]

7. Certificates.
(1) Subject to any regulations for the time being in force, the College Council may confer on persons who have passed the prescribed examinations and fulfilled the prescribed conditions—
(a) certificates of efficiency as midwives;
(b) certificates of efficiency as apothecaries;
(bb) certificates of efficiency as estate apothecaries;
[S 7(1)(bb) ins by s 2 of Act 16 of 1965.]
(bbb) diplomas of efficiency as apothecaries;
[S 7(1)(bbb) ins by s 2 of Act 10 of 1979.]
(c) certificates of efficiency or proficiency as pharmacists;
[S 7(1)(c) subs by s 2 of Act 23 of 1985; am by s 4(1) of Act 30 of 1987.]
(d) certificates of efficiency as nurses;
[S 7(1)(d) am by s 4(2) of Act 30 of 1987.]
(e) certificates of proficiency as radiographers;
[S 7(1)(e) ins by s 4(3) of Act 30 of 1987.]
(f) certificates of proficiency as medical laboratory technologists;
[S 7(1)(f) ins by s 4(3) of Act 30 of 1987.]
(g) certificates of proficiency as physiotherapists;
[S 7(1)(g) ins by s 4(3) of Act 30 of 1987.]
(h) certificates of proficiency as occupational therapists;
[S 7(1)(h) ins by s 4(3) of Act 30 of 1987.]
(i) certificates of proficiency as electrocardiograph recordists;
[S 7(1)(i) ins by s 4(3) of Act 30 of 1987.]
(j) certificates of proficiency as audiologists;
[S 7(1)(j) ins by s 4(3) of Act 30 of 1987.]
(k) certificates of proficiency as clinical physiologist;
[S 7(1)(k) ins by s 4(3) of Act 30 of 1987.]
(l) certificates of proficiency as speech therapists;
[S 7(1)(l) ins by s 4(3)of Act 30 of 1987]
(m) certificates of proficiency as chiropodists;
[S 7(1)(m) ins by s 4(3) of Act 30 of 1987]
(n) certificates of proficiency as dietitians;
[S 7(1)(n) ins by s 4(3) of Act 30 of 1987.]
(o) certificates of proficiency as ophthalmic auxiliaries;
[S 7(1)(o) ins by s 4(3) of Act 30 of 1987.]
(p) certificates of proficiency as electroencephalograph recordists;
[S 7(1)(p) ins by s 4(3) of Act 30 of 1987.]
(q) certificates of proficiency as nutritionist;
[S 7(1)(q) ins by s 4(3) of Act 30 of 1987.]
(r) certificates of proficiency as clinical psychologists.
[S 7(1)(r) ins by s 4(3) of Act 30 of 1987.]
(2) Any person on whom any diploma or certificate has been conferred under subsection (1) may be deprived of such diploma or certificate by the College Council in such circumstances and in accordance with such procedure as may be prescribed.

8. Fees.
The College Council may charge the prescribed fees (which shall be paid into the Consolidated Fund) for entrance into the College, for continuance therein, for admission to examinations, for attendance at lectures or classes, and for any diploma or certificate issued by the College Council.

9. Appointments.
(1) Where any lecturers or other teachers are necessary for the purposes of any course of study not provided by the University of Ceylon, such lecturers or teachers may be appointed by the College Council. Examiners may in like manner be appointed by the College Council whenever necessary.
(2) There may also he appointed such officers and servants of the College, as may be necessary.

10. Professors of College to be public officers.
Every professor, lecturer, examiner, officer, or servant of the College shall be deemed to be a public officer within the meaning of section 19 of the Penal Code.

11. Power to make regulations.
Regulations may be made as to—
(a) the mode and time of convening the meetings of the College Council and of transacting business thereat;
(b) the duties of professors, lecturers, examiners, officers, and servants;
(c) the previous course of instruction to be followed by candidates for the examinations of the College;
(d) the maintenance of good order and discipline among students of the College or persons attending the examinations or lectures of the College, and the exclusion from such lectures and examinations of students or persons contravening such regulations;
(e) the examinations to be passed and the other conditions to be fulfilled by candidates for diplomas and certificates;
(f) the fees to be charged under this Part;
(g) the keeping of accounts of the income and expenditure of the College;
(h) generally all matters relating to the College.